Bergen County
Essex County
Hudson County
Hunterdon County
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Passaic County
Somerset County
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New York City
Nassau County
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Individual Therapy
Marriage Counseling
Couples Counseling
Family Therapy
Child Therapy
Adolescent Therapy
Group Therapy
Legal Evaluations
Psychological Evaluations
Cognitive-Behavioral Psychodynamic
Play Therapy

Nurse Practitioner
Marriage & Family Therapist
Social Worker
Substance Abuse Counselor

Alcohol and Drugs
According to the
American Psychiatric Association, addiction is a serious illness. It can
negatively affect one's physical health, financial security,
interpersonal relationships and career. Alcohol and drug abuse are the
foremost causes of preventable illnesses and premature death.
Fortunately, many effective treatments are readily available; however,
since this is a disease of denial, admission is often slow in coming,
and the abuser is often the last to realize that the problem has become
Tolerance, Dependence and
Anyone can develop a
tolerance to a substance. Tolerance means that you must take more of the
substance to feel the same effects you used to have with smaller
Dependence means you get withdrawal symptoms if you suddenly stop using
the substance.
Abuse means that drug seeking behavior takes up a lot of your thoughts
emotions and activities. You spend a lot of time thinking about it,
looking for it, using it and getting over the effects of using it. You
find it difficult to stop using or control how much you use.
Consequences of Use
Many people drink alcohol on social occasions. It can reduce anxiety and
nervousness and loosen inhibitions. Regrettably, it is a central nervous
system depressant and the recklessness, which often results from
excessive drinking, causes serious accidents, permanent injuries and
deaths. Alcohol causes birth defects, including fetal alcohol syndrome.
Excessive drinking can lead to alcoholism, an illness which runs in
families and is often associated with depression. Alcohol's serious
effects on health include serious diseases of the liver, greater risk of
heart disease, cancer, impotence and premature aging.
Marijuana, known as pot or
grass, is associated with the following consequences:
· Short-term memory loss
· Accelerated heartbeat
· Increased blood pressure
· Difficulty concentrating and processing
· Lapses in judgment
· Problems with perception and motor
Many years of marijuana use can lead to an amotivational syndrome
characterized by loss of ambition and an inability to carry out
long-term plans or to function effectively.
Cocaine is a stimulant drug. This means it speeds up the brain and
nervous system. Stimulants such as cocaine, crack, or amphetamines give
a temporary illusion of enhanced power and energy. As the initial
elevation of mood fades, a depression emerges. Stimulant abuse can lead
to serious medical problems:
· Heart
attacks, even in young people with healthy hearts
Seizures, convulsions
· Strokes
Violent, aggressive, anxious, or paranoid behavior
· Bleeding
blood vessels in the brain
· Death
Overdose is common and can happen to anyone from even small amounts.
Cocaine use during pregnancy may result in miscarriages, stillbirths, or
low-birth-weight babies who may be physically dependent on the drug and
later may develop behavioral or learning difficulties. Excessive crack
use can lead to a permanent vegetative state. Long-term abuse can result
in psychotic effects, such as paranoid delusions and hallucinations.
Heroin can be smoked, eaten, sniffed, or
injected. It produces an intense momentary feeling of pleasure. Serious
withdrawal symptoms begin after 4 to 6 hours. These include:
· Chills
· Sweating
· Runny nose and eyes
· Abdominal cramps
· Muscle pains
· Insomnia
· Nausea
· Diarrhea
Overdose is common and can happen to anyone from even small amounts.
Heroin use during pregnancy may result in miscarriages, stillbirths, or
premature delivery. Injection of heroin introduces unsterile substances
into the bloodstream, which can result in severe damage to the heart,
lungs, and brain. Sharing needles spreads diseases such as HIV and
hepatitis B.
Hallucinogens are a
group of drugs which can change perception and cause people to see or
hear things that do not exist (hallucinations) and to have feelings of
euphoria. They can produce changes in thought, sense of time and mood.
Hallucinogens are drugs such as LSD ("acid") or the new
"designer" drugs (such as "ecstasy") that are taken
orally. Potential consequences of LSD include stressful
"flashbacks"---re-experiencing the hallucinations despite not
having taken the drug again, sometimes even years later. If ecstasy is
used in excess and in combination with strenuous physical activity,
serious results can follow including death from dehydration or an
exceptionally high fever. The use of some of the hallucinogenic
substances can be linked to neuronal damage in animals, and can be
neurotoxic to humans. The most common consequence of hallucinogen use is
impaired judgment that often leads to rash decisions and accidents.
Inhalants are breathable
chemical vapors that cause psychoactive, mind-altering effects. Many
people do not think that products, such as spray paints, glues, and
cleaning fluids, are drugs because they were never meant to be used to
achieve an intoxicating effect. Teenagers often abuse inhalants because
they are easy to obtain and because they produce mind-altering effects
when "sniffed" or "huffed." These chemicals reach
the lungs and bloodstream very quickly and can be deadly. The result of
high concentrations of inhalant fumes can cause heart failure or
suffocation. There can be permanent damage to the nervous system with
long-term abuse of inhalants.
Most individuals who
take prescription medications use them responsibly. However, the
non-medical use of prescription drugs is a serious public health
concern. Physicians usually prescribe sedatives because they are highly
effective in relieving anxiety and promoting sleep. Much harm can occur
when they are taken in excess of the prescribed dose or without
physician or nurse practitioner supervision, such as when they are
obtained illegally. The combination of sedatives with alcohol or other
drugs greatly increases the likelihood of death by overdose. The use of
sedatives during pregnancy may cause birth defects (such as, cleft
palate) in those who may also be physically dependent on the drugs.
Tobacco kills more than
430,000 U.S. citizens each year. This is more than alcohol, cocaine,
heroin, homicide, suicide, car accidents, fire and AIDS combined.
Cigarette smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals, including toxins
like ammonia. The main reason why cigarette smoking is such a serious
concern is that nicotine is a powerful and addictive drug that has the
potential to kill someone. Nicotine in tobacco products has addictive
properties similar in severity to those of heroin. Stopping is difficult
because of the unpleasantness of withdrawal, which includes feelings of
anxiety, anger, frustration, irritability, insomnia, and depression.
However, continued smoking may lead to far more dire consequences, such
as cancer, high blood pressure, lung cancer, heart attacks, emphysema,
and ulcers.
The treatment process
for drug and alcohol will help patients recognize their problem. This
process is often complicated by a lack of understanding about substance
abuse and addiction or, worse, denial. In these cases, interventions by
concerned friends and family assist treatment.
Multiple forms of treatment are often needed because substance abuse
affects many aspects of an individual’s life, as well as often
significantly affecting the lives of family members and significant
others. Many people find that a combination of medication and individual
or group therapy is most effective. Medications can help control the
drug cravings and relieve the severe symptoms of withdrawal. Through
psychotherapy and counseling, addicted individuals learn to understand
their behavior and motivations, develop higher self-esteem, and cope
with stress. Other treatment methods may also be used to assist the
rehabilitative process, such as drug rehabilitation centers, therapeutic
communities, and outpatient programs.
In addition to treatment, self-help groups for substance-abusing
individuals (Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous) as well as their
family members (Al-Anon or Nar-Anon Family Groups) are useful in
providing support and reinforcing messages learned in treatment.
Codependency is often
developed by those people who live with a substance abuser. A
codependent person lets another person's behavior or feelings affect
them in a way that interferes with their work, creativity, other
relationships and/or personal growth. The word codependency also refers
to people who are preoccupied with controlling other people's behaviors
and feelings. Contrary to what many people think, codependency does not
only refer to dependent relationships that involve substance abuse,
although it often does. Codependents tend to be overly concerned with
other people's problems while ignoring or neglecting their own needs and
wants, resulting in an inability to feel balanced, whole, and empowered.
Codependency is one of our most destructive psychological habits, and,
unfortunately, one of the most prevalent. Distorted and damaged
self-esteem often lies at the roots of codependency. Those who feel
healthy and whole understand that they cannot control other people's
feelings, ideas, or behaviors. They make decisions that are best for
themselves, and others are afforded the same right and responsibility.
Patterns and Characteristics of Codependence
Denial Patterns:
Having difficulty identifying what one is feeling.
Minimizing, altering or denying ones true feelings.
Perceiving oneself as completely unselfish and dedicated to the well-
being of others.
Low Self Esteem Patterns:
Having difficulty making decisions.
· Judging everything
you think, say or do harshly - as never "good enough."
· Being embarrassed
to receive recognition, praise or gifts.
· Not asking others
to meet your needs or desires.
· Valuing others'
approval of your thinking, feelings and behavior over your own.
· Not perceiving you
as a lovable or worthwhile person.
Compliance Patterns:
· Compromising
your own values and integrity to avoid rejection or others' anger.
· Being
overly sensitive to how others are feeling.
· Being
too loyal - remaining in harmful situations too long.
Valuing others' opinions and feelings more than your own and being
afraid to express differing opinions and feelings.
Putting aside your own interests and hobbies in order to do what others
Accepting sex when you want love.
Control Patterns:
Believing most other people is incapable of taking care of
· Attempting to
convince others of what they "should" think and how they
"truly" feel.
· Becoming resentful
when others will not let you help them.
· Freely offering
others advice and directions without being asked.
· Lavishing gifts
and favors on those you care about.
· Using sex to gain
approval and acceptance.
· Having to be
"needed" in order to have a relationship with others.
Codependency is a learned pattern of feeling and behaving and,
therefore, can be "unlearned" and replaced with healthier
patterns of loving oneself and loving and relating to others.
Adult Children of Alcoholics Issue
The phrase “Adult
Children of Alcoholics” (ACOAs) refers to those individuals who were
negatively affected by familial alcoholism. These individuals are
particularly vulnerable to certain emotional, physical, and spiritual
There are identifiable core issues that most ACOAs experience. Control
is one such issue and the fear of loss of control is a dominant theme in
their lives. Control dominates the interactions of an ACOA with
themselves as well as the people in their lives. Fear of loss of
control, whether it is over one's emotions, thoughts, feelings, will,
actions, or relationships can be pervasive. ACOAs may rely upon defense
mechanisms such as denial, suppression in order to control their
internal world of thoughts and feelings as well as the outward
manifestation of those thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
A second core issue is trust. This may be directly attributable to being
raised in an environment of chaos, unpredictability, and denial.
Repeatedly told to ignore the obvious, deny their own feelings, and
distrust the accuracy of their own perceptions, ACOAs eventually begin
to distrust not only other people but their own feelings and senses as
well. For example, father may be passed out on the couch, mom's face may
be buried in a bowl of soup, yet nothing is wrong.
A third core issue is avoidance of feelings. In the alcoholic family,
the child's expression of feelings is typically met with censure,
disapproval, anger, and rejection. Often the child is told explicitly,
"Don't you dare say that to me; don't even think it!" or
"Don't upset your mother. You have to be more understanding."
In other words, children of alcoholics may be taught very early that it
is necessary to hide their feelings. Hiding their feelings leads to not
even being aware of having any feelings, as they master the art of
repressing, denying, or minimizing them.
A fourth core issue is over-responsibility. ACOAs come to believe they
are responsible for what is happening in their family. This is because
blame is such a big part of an alcoholic family-- "I drink because
the kids are out of control." This just feeds a child's already
existing self-centeredness. Because of these childhood experiences, COAs
(Children of Alcoholics) grow up believing they are responsible for
other's emotions and actions. Because children do not know that the
alcoholic drinks because the alcoholic has lost their choice to drink,
they begin to believe that they are responsible for their drinking
because of their "bad" behavior and therefore they are
responsible for the alcoholic to stop drinking. Therefore a COA may
decide that the way to end the bickering and drinking is to be a model
child. Another reason that ACOAs develop a sense of over-responsibility
is that children in alcoholic families often times become the family
counselor or even a substitute parent for the "absent"
A fifth core issue of an ACOA is that they tend to ignore their own
needs. This likely stems from the fact that their emotional needs
continually took a back seat to alcoholism, chaos, and emotional and
physical violence. All too many ACOAs equate acknowledging their
emotional needs with being vulnerable or even weak. Feeling vulnerable
also is equated with being out of control, a state of being which an
ACOA may find intolerable. Along with feeling vulnerable and out of
control, acknowledging their emotional needs may make an ACOA feel
dependent, inadequate, or even worse, forever in debt to the person who
met their needs.
If you want more information about substance abuse, codependence or ACOA
issues, want to discuss your particular needs, or want to schedule an
appointment, call our offices today. We can help suggest the therapist
that best meets your needs.
Call Now for Your
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Hunterdon County, Morris County, Somerset County,
Sussex County, Union County, Warren County
Bergen County, Essex County,
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Suffolk County, Westchester County
Psychotherapy & Counseling
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Panic Attacks
Fears & Phobias
Social Anxiety
Compulsive Disorder
Chronic Worry
Traumatic Stress

Major Depression
Bipolar Disorder

Communication Problems
Loss of Love
Lack of Affection
Conflicting Values
Sexual Difficulties
Pre-marital Issues


Substance Abuse

Attention Deficit Disorder
Child ADHD
Adult ADHD

Low Self-esteem
Anger Management
Mid-Life Crises
Obsessive Love
Excessive Worry
Fear Of Flying
Speech Anxiety
Test Anxiety

Substance Abuse
ACOA Issues

Behavioral Issues
Emotional Problems
Learning Problems
School Issues


Parenting Issues
Family of Origin
Conflicting Values
Blended Family

Coming Out
Couple Issues

Loss of independence
Loss of Friends
Adult Children
Family Issues
Caregiver Issues
Assisted Living
Long Term Care

Death & Dying
Financial Loss
Loss of Independence
Loss of Loved Ones
Loss of Job
Loss of Family

Adjusting to Illness
Adjusting to Disability
Chronic Pain
Caregiver Issues

Role Issues
Self Esteem
Work Stress
Financial Concerns
Career Issues
Relationship Concerns
Sexual Issues


Job Stress
School Stress
Relationship Stress
Separation & Divorce
Life Changes

Role Issues
Fear of Success